Castor Rex
Chinchilla Rex
Orange Rex
Dyed Rex Skins
Breeding of Castor REX rabbit
Our company run Rex rabbit breeding since many years. The manual work and the time dedicated for the animals are highly important for us, we even try to represent the best quality of work both in the human side and in the animal welfare.
The basic rules of our breeding system are the natural feeding (our rex rabbits get only first class stover from guaranteed supply system) and the natural environment. Our cages are made from wood and complete every EU standards, and are ideal for extensive breeding of the rex rabbit. Our breeders work with the animals in outdoors and the mating process is mostly natural, too. Our breeding, farming system is gentle for the animals, it doesn’t operate in large-scale conditions. The quality of our rex rabbits represent best how the animals appreciate the work we make with them.
Call us, write us!
Rexcellence Design Kft.
HU-7043 Bikács, Kossuth L. u. 232 hrsz.